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Rossi Digital Marketing

Affordable Digital Marketing Growth

Orange County based Google Ads, SEO, and digital marketing solutions. Get started today or check out my blog for free tips to grow your business!

digital marketing for startups being executed by small business team
Digital Marketing


in total revenue and funding generated.


Startup Funding


raised through equity crowdfunding (Regulation A).

Organic Search


web visitors driven through organic search results.


Content Creation


SEO blogs written and edited for companies.


Digital Marketing Services

The core digital marketing services offered are listed below or reach out to explore additional offerings.

Google Ads Services

Grow your business with setup and professional management of Google Ad search and local campaigns.

Learn About Google Ads Services


search engine optimization on a website displayed on a phone

SEO Consulting

Receive comprehensive SEO audits, ongoing SEO consulting and proven SEO blog writing services.

Learn About SEO Consulting

Copywriting Services

Get professional copywriting services that have driven over $100M in revenue and capital raised.

Learn About Copywriting Services


digital marketing strategy being discussed by 4 person business team sitting around a table

Digital Marketing Strategy

Get personalized digital marketing strategies to help your business or startup jumpstart its growth.

Learn About Digital Marketing Strategy

Email Marketing Services

Get automated email marketing strategy and management for HubSpot, MailChimp, Klaviyo and more!

Learn About Email Marketing Services

email marketing services offering from rossi digital marketing